Sunday, December 28, 2008

Recent article of interest: Girls' autism signs miss early diagnosis

two new studies published in upcoming issues of JADD on gender issues and ASDs

Just perusing "online first" and January 2009 articles on the website for Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. The following sex-related articles are forthcoming or are in the January 2009 issue.

Comparison of Eating Attitudes between Adolescent Girls with and without Asperger Syndrome: Daughters’ and Mothers’ Reports

Sex Differences in WISC-III Profiles of Children with High-functioning Pervasive Developmental Disorders

Brief Report: Relationship Between Non-verbal IQ and Gender in Autism

Two empirical studies in one issue! Fantastic. We have a very small research group and would love to collaborate with other investigators. Large sample sizes across research groups are going to be needed in order to best understand the experiences and symptom profiles of females with ASDs.

Any thoughts about the direction that research into gender differences in ASDs needs to go?

Happy new year everyone,


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

First Post...

Off to do some holiday visiting but I'm excited about having a blog dedicated to issues facing girls with ASDs and their families. Will write more later!