Saturday, October 10, 2009
Review of "Girls Growing Up on the Autism Spectrum" in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders by Kathleen Koenig
In writing this book, we were hopeful that it would help parents of an underserved and less recognized group of individuals with ASDs - girls (and women)! Kathleen's review recognizes a further contribution to the field - a meaningful conceptual book that can inform not only treatment approaches but next steps in research.
We are grateful to Kathleen, and humbled by her positive review...
Thank you!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Review of "Girls Growing Up on the Autism Spectrum" by the author of "More than a Mom..."
Has anyone read More Than a Mom? Would love to hear your feedback. I think it is a wonderful book and I recommend it to many of the mothers with whom I work.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Woman with Autism Has Successful Business she Loves...
Similar to a story I posted previously, it is so great to see women with ASDs and their families creating roles in the community for themselves that are meaningful and that they love doing!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Who are your daughter's role models? It would be so great to put our girls in touch with each other...
"Make me an angel, that flies from Montgomery..."
good morning.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
20/20 program on Carly Fleishman
ABC News 20/20 program Aug 6, 2009:
Teen Locked in Autistic Body Finds Inner Voice
Unable to Speak or Connect to the World Until Age 11, Carly Fleishman Types: 'I Am Autistic But That Is Not Who I Am'
Friday, August 7, 2009
Seeking contributions from girls for our f-up book "The Girl's Guide"!
Day off today so I'm trying to catch up on correspondence including actually posting to the blog.
It has been great hearing everyone's response to Girls Growing Up on the Autism Spectrum and in particular, requests for a guide for the girls themselves. So, we've started!
We are seeking advice, suggestions, comments etc. from girls, teens, and women with ASDs on all the topics in our first book including:
1. what it's like being a female with AS
2. strengths and interests
3. handling adolescence and puberty
4. menstruation
5. fashion
6. hygiene and grooming
7. social skills and frienships and bullying
8. sexuality and dating
9. mental health, self-esteem
10. personal safety
11. gender, media, culture, society expectations
Also, poetry or drawings!
I can be reached through email if you are interested:
Thanks! Look forward to hearing from you,
Our Autism Society of America meeting 2009 girls presentation
Got back a week or so ago from St. Charles where we gave a number of presentations - one of which was on girls with ASDs. I was so pleased that it was to a "standing room only" crowd. Finally everyone is starting to see the importance of issues facing females with ASDs, and are interested in understanding these more. Was anyone at the ASA meeting?
I was so fortunate to meet Sondra Williams in person finally after corresponding through email. She is such an incredible woman with AS, a great speaker, a brilliant mind. If you haven't read her book Reflections of Self published by The Gray Center, i strongly recommend it.
The annual women's panel was wonderful as always, moderated by ever dynamic Dena Gassner and Brigid Rankowski, a college student with AS, gave a wonderful talk about her experiences. What a cool gal! Very inspiring!
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summer - what are your girls up to this summer to have fun and keep learning and relaxing?
Would love to hear about it!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Back again... and creativity
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Women with Disabilities and Successful Work Experiences
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Study Review - Sex Differences in WISC-III scores
Few studies have examined sex differences in presentation in individuals with ASDs.
Aim: Examine cognitive profiles of males and females on the WISC-III (intellectual assessment)
Sample: 26 girls, 116 boys (ages 5-16) with ASD (any ASD diagnosis) with IQ above 70; sample from Japan
Measures: WISC-III; Japanese version of the Childhood Autism Rating Scale
1. Girls scored higher than boys on the Processing Speed Index score.
2. Girls scored higher than boys on the Coding and Symbol Search subtest scores.
3. Girls scored lower than boys on the Block Design subtest.
4. Profiles of scores were similar for boys and girls in the Verbal domain.
5. Boys had a different profile of scores in the non-verbal domain; higher score on the Block Design subtest. This was not observed in the group of girls.
Do girls with ASDs demonstrate less difficulty in the area of distractibility, slowness in performance??
Caution: small sample size of girls; reduces the power of the statistical test
More research is needed!
Need much larger sample sizes
Need to examine a narrower age range
Need to look at differences within more clearly defined diagnostic categories - e.g., HFA
Need to look at findings for North American youth
Need to look at cognitive profiles of girls with ASDs versus neurotypical females
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Eating Attitudes study - review and summary!
Yes eating problems associated with ASDs. All studies have looked at small numbers of males and at BMI, not eating attitudes.
- explore eating attitudes of teen girls with AS
- examine level of agreement between mothers’ and daughters’ reports of eating problems
- 56 girls with AS and 56 neurotypical girls ages 12-18
- Groups matched on age and BMI; neurotypical girls had higher full-scale IQ scores
- Diagnosed by a multidisciplinary team; used the ADOS
- Mainland Greece
Girls and their mothers completed the Eating Attitudes Test-26 (3 subscales: dieting, bulimia and food preoccupation, and oral control); scores above 20 are of concern
- Teen girls with AS (26%) reported more eating problems than the control girls for bulimia and oral control but not dieting
- Mothers of teen girls with AS also reported more eating problems – across all 3 scales
- Across both groups, daughters report more problems than their mothers do, though the overall agreement between parent-child was high
- Prevalence of eating problems in girls with ASDs may be quite high
- Need longitudinal studies examining histories of eating difficulties and concerns
- Need to understand the social and cognitive similarities between AS and anorexia nervosa, e.g., rigidities, difficulties with reflective self functioning
More research is needed!
Need to look at findings for North American adolescents
Need to look at relationship between eating difficulties and degree of inflexiblity/rigidity overall
Need to examine how to treat eating disordered behavior for teens with AS
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Fabulous story about a woman's special interests that have resulted in a very cool career for her!
It takes patience to have a conversation with businesswoman Gabrielle Lopez. She talks a mile a minute, rarely makes eye contact and frequently goes off on tangents.These tendencies might inhibit a person in sales, but despite living with Asperger's Syndrome and attention deficit disorder, Gabrielle is determined to make a success of Bad Girl Designs, the downtown boutique where she sells vintage clothes and pop culture-inspired accessories she makes, herself..........
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy new year!
I have brought home with me from work copies of the three research studies that I posted about earlier. My goal for the weekend is to read each and post a short summary / commentary. Let's see if I'm successful!
May 2009 bring everyone closer to achieving their own goals and those for their families...